Communications Solutions for Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)

IMS offers comprehensive communication solutions specifically tailored to support the intricacies of healthcare RCM, enhancing efficiency, reducing errors, and improving patient satisfaction.

Streamlining the Revenue Cycle with Omnichannel Communication

Our suite of omnichannel RCM communication solutions is designed to address each stage of the revenue cycle, from patient registration and appointment scheduling to billing and collections. Our solutions empower patients with the information they need to understand their bills, explore payment options, and fulfill their financial obligations.
  • Patient Registration & Scheduling
  • Insurance Verification & Authorization
  • Claim Submission & Denial Management
  • Patient Billing & Collections

Patient Registration & Scheduling

Automate appointment reminders and registration confirmations through email, SMS, and IVR systems to reduce no-shows and streamline the scheduling process.

Claim Submission & Denial Management

Utilize our communication solutions to promptly address and resolve claim denials, keeping both staff and patients informed of the status and required actions.

Insurance Verification & Authorization

Facilitate clear and timely communication between healthcare providers, patients, and insurance companies to ensure accurate verification and authorization, minimizing claim denials.

Patient Billing & Collections

Enhance patient billing communications with clear, concise, and personalized billing statements and follow-up notices through preferred communication channels.

Supporting Compliance in Every Interaction

In the sensitive realm of healthcare finance, compliance with industry regulations and the security of patient information are paramount. Our solutions are backed by healthcare and financial compliance certifications so that we can provide communications that comply with your organization’s relevant regulations.

Partner with IMS for Your RCM Needs

With IMS as your partner in Revenue Cycle Management, your healthcare organization can achieve a more efficient, transparent, and patient-friendly RCM process. Our communication solutions are designed not only to streamline your revenue cycle but also to enhance the overall patient experience, contributing to both financial stability and patient satisfaction.

Let's Connect!

Use the calendar below to schedule a conversation to discover how IMS, Inc. can help your business.